Weight Management Tips for COPD Patients

Weight Management Tips for COPD Patients

COPD patients are usually underweight. This is because their lungs need to work harder than usual, burning up to ten times more calories. However, some COPD patients may also experience weight gain as a side effect of certain medications. Therefore, it is crucial for those with the condition to work towards maintaining the right body weight. This article discusses a few dietary tips for COPD patients to achieve this goal.

Dietary tips for COPD patients who want to gain weight

1. Have frequent, small meals
The most obvious step for gaining weight is to eat more. But this is not easy for those with COPD because they feel full after just a small meal. As a solution, one can have smaller meals after regular intervals. Besides, one can increase their calorie intake by adding in sauces and gravies. Having a quick, light snack when hungry is also a good idea.

2. Eat your favorite foods
COPD patients can stock up on their favorite foods to increase their appetite. One can also add more calories to their diet by going for fat-filled items, such as butter and margarine. It is a good idea to convert normal meals to higher calorie meals; for example, having butter or cheese crackers in place of soda crackers.

3. Do not pick any dietary foods
Those with COPD should not go for the skimmed versions of dairy such as skim milk, cottage cheese, and low-fat yogurt. Such items are digested quickly and do not contribute significantly to weight gain.

4. Go high on fluid intake
COPD patients should reduce their fluid intake during meals. Having water or other drinks during meals can make one feel full faster. Also, instead of drinking normal water during the day, switch to high-calorie nutritious drinks, such as milkshakes and juices. Opting for supplemental drinks also help add calories.

Dietary tips for COPD patients who want to lose weight

1. Stick to a balanced food plan
Those with COPD should follow a completely different meal pattern. One should add a healthy mix of foods to their diet and, at the same time, not go overboard with calories. Dieting should not be the go-to option because people often start it and then grow tired. Instead, one should try to make better choices in the food they eat. This will lead to a healthy weight loss while also making the food routine a part of one’s lifestyle rather than a challenge.

2. Watch what you eat
COPD patients should never skip a meal. They should try to limit snacks and have a good mix – a minimum of three food items in each meal. Refined flour and sugar foods should be avoided, and the maximum intake of sweetened beverages should be limited to about 12 ounces a day.