Tips to Help Choose Between a Manual and a Robot Vacuum

Tips to Help Choose Between a Manual and a Robot Vacuum

Whenever there is a new product in the market, the buzz around it is quite natural. Some of the questions asked are if one is better than the other and if the change is needed. Similarly, with robot vacuums, a comparison with traditional manual vacuum cleaners was expected. In this article, let us look at the similar and distinctive features of push vacuums and robot vacuums available right now.

1. Scope of cleaning
With the type and range of manual vacuums available today, you can sweep, clean, and dust every single part of the house. From ceilings to floors, behind curtains to under the furniture, there is no corner of the house that cannot be reached by the attachments and brushes that come with this appliance. Whereas, robot vacuums as of now can only sweep and mop the floors. They cannot climb walls, or stairs, and do not have any attachments to facilitate the same either. If you are planning to buy a vacuum cleaner to sweep and mop the floors, a robot vacuum will be ideal. If you are keen to buy a vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling, floors, walls, and furniture, you should go in for a push vacuum cleaner.

2. Quality of cleaning
The manual vacuum cleaners are very versatile. They can reach every single corner of the house that is difficult to clean manually. However, robot vacuums might find it difficult to clean the very edges of the floor due to their shape. Modern technology has ensured that they can do quite a bit now and to their advantage, you can clean under the furniture and couches without having to move them. However, the machine may need help in maneuvering effectively over obstacles.

3. Area of cleaning
Most push vacuums have large bin sizes, not requiring you to clean them after every cycle. The robot vacuums are smaller, and you are likelier to need to empty and attach the bin if you have a large house. There are a few models with bigger bin sizes, but they are quite expensive.

4. Cleaning of furniture
Manual vacuum cleaners can clean your carpets, furniture, curtains, stairs, walls, whereas robot vacuums can only clean carpets and floors.

5. Type of rooms
With robot vs. push vacuums, the area makes a huge difference. If you have bare spaces without much furniture, robot cleaners are the best option. They can also go over thin carpets. Combo robot vacuum cleaners, which can sweep and mop, are also a great option. However, if you have too many items cluttering the space like in a regular home, manual vacuums will work much better.

6. Area of cleaning
If your main requirement is appliances that can sweep and mop large spaces like corridors, office complexes, or your offices with minimal furniture, robot cleaners with large battery life are ideal. With preset programs, they can clean such places much faster and without any hindrance. Whereas, hauling the manual cleaners across large spaces and looking for electric points or charging points can be cumbersome and take a long time.

7. Inclination for cleaning
If you do not have the inclination or the time to clean, you can program the robot vacuum, control it through your app and go ahead with your work. If you are a person who is very particular about cleaning and housekeeping, then a robot vacuum is less likely to pass muster.