The Best Smoothies for Bone Health And Joint Pain 

The Best Smoothies for Bone Health And Joint Pain 

The most common form of arthritis is called osteoarthritis, a condition that affects more than 240 million people in the world. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between someone’s bones wears down causing joint pain. Treatment options vary, but can include prolia and evenitity, if prescribed by a doctor. This type of condition can be influenced by maintaining bone health through a balanced diet. Here are five foods that can be easily put into smoothies to help support bone health and reduce the risk of arthritis:

1. Plain yogurt

Including yogurt into smoothies can have a big benefit for increased bone health and density. Yogurt contains calcium and vitamin D which are both helpful for strengthening bones and maintaining bone health. Yogurt can help keep bones strong and reduce the risk of arthritis for young people. Plain yogurt also has probiotics in it that helps to reduce inflammation in people with existing arthritis, which can help control any associated joint pain. Yogurt adds a delicious creamy texture to smoothies without adding any noticeable taste.

2. Flaxseed

Another food that is great for bone health and works perfectly blended into smoothies is flaxseed. This food is a fiber crop from Southern Europe and Asia that is packed with nutrients. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and helps to increase bone mineral density, which is helpful to those looking to increase their overall bone health and strength. These seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties that come from their omega-3 fatty acids. This can help relieve joint pain from arthritis. When they are blended into a smoothie it is hardly detectable and is a quick and easy way to boost bone and joint health.

3. Dark greens or spinach

Including spinach and greens into smoothies allows someone to consume more vegetables while strengthening their bones at the same time. Spinach and dark greens contain high amounts of antioxidants which help to fight off free radicals. Free radicals have been known to increase the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation within the body. Spinach and greens are packed with vitamin K, A, and C, which helps protect cells from free radicals as well. Blending in spinach into smoothies is an easy way to prevent bone damage and help reduce inflammation, and is another food that is hardly noticeable in smoothies.

4. Dried figs

Most people are unaware that figs are an excellent source of calcium; five figs have around 90 milligrams! Figs also contain potassium which helps the body to absorb more of the calcium, which helps to further promote bone health. In addition to these benefits, figs are also anti-inflammatory which can help with joint pain. There is also some evidence that shows figs may be able to prevent arthritis and bone destructive processes. Adding dried figs into smoothies is a delicious way to help relieve joint pain, increase bone strength, prevent future bone density loss, and prevent osteoarthritis.

5. Fish oils

Fish oil is something that can easily be blended into a smoothie without making the smoothie taste different. Fish oil is anti-inflammatory because of its omega-3 fatty acids which can greatly help to decrease joint pain caused by arthritis. It is recommended that someone with existing arthritis take around 2.7 grams of fish oil per day to help with their symptoms. Those with joint pain would benefit from including fish oil in their smoothies and eating fatty fish such as salmon a couple times per week.