Superfoods for Acid Reflux

Superfoods for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is categorized as a digestive disease in which stomach bile or acid or bile regurgitates up from the stomach, irritating the food pipe lining. With more and more Americans affected by acid reflux, doctors often prescribe dietary and lifestyle changes to ease the symptoms. Doctors may also recommend over the counter acid indigestion remedy and acidity medications, avoiding certain foods (i.e., spicy or acidic foods), and incorporating the following foods into the diet to ease acid reflux symptoms:

1. Healthy fats
While it may seem counterintuitive to consume fatty foods to fight off the symptoms of chronic acid reflux, foods containing healthy fats like olive or coconut oils, walnuts, chia seeds, or even flax not only help your overall health, but also keep the GI tract in top shape by lubricating the inner tissues and making digestion smoother.

2. Chlorella
Chlorella is this unique freshwater algae that is not only a probiotic but an amazing source of soluble fiber for your diet. This algae will help rebuild the lining of your GI tract and keep digestion flowing smoothly. In several studies, chlorella has also reduced symptoms of  stomach cramps, heartburn, belching, and nausea in patients with duodenal ulcers.

3. Bone broth
If you come to find that your esophagus has been damaged by the symptoms of acid reflux then bone broth is one food that could help restore this lining. Bone broth is rich in cartilage and gelatin which are 2 sources that are central to rebuilding tissue. It also contains minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants, and amino acids that all help heal and reconstruct your GI tract.

4. Kefir
Kefir is fermented milk and a fantastic and healthy probiotic that is more important than ever to sustain healthy bacteria that live inside of the digestive system. Kefir also reduces the symptoms and effects of heartburn. Is a fantastic option if you are looking for a milk substitute. You can easily make it yourself by fermenting kefir grains with coconut water or coconut milk.

5. Aloe Vera
Many people today aren’t even aware that Aloe Vera is an edible plant. However inside the bendy green exterior there exists a gooey angelic substance that is rich in enzymes and other properties that are amazing for your body. The gel from an aloe vera plant can calm and soothe your stomach while reducing inflammation within your body. Be certain to blend Aloe in a smoothie with other fruits and vegetables or else it will not taste very appetizing.