Sarcoma – Main Types and Their Symptoms

Sarcoma – Main Types and Their Symptoms

Sarcoma is a rare disease that can affect people of all age groups. A majority of sarcoma cancers begin in the arms or legs, but it can also affect the abdomen, chest, and torso. Although rare, sarcomas can also begin in the neck or head. The signs and symptoms of sarcoma vary depending on the type and where it originates. Let’s look at a few types of sarcoma and their symptoms in this article.

Bone sarcoma
The many types of bone sarcoma include osteosarcoma, which is the most common, chondrosarcoma that begins in the cartilage of bones, Ewing’s sarcoma that begins in the soft tissues or the bones, and fibrosarcoma, which originates from the fibrous connective tissues. The symptoms of bone sarcoma include:

  • Pain
    The earliest symptom of bone sarcoma could be a dull, throbbing ache in the area of the malignant tumor. This could worsen with physical activity and keep the patient awake at night.
  • Fever
    A persistent low-grade fever is common in people with bone sarcoma. Prolonged fever is a cause for concern if there are no underlying infectious illnesses. It can occur during the day or night, and drenching night sweats are relatively common symptoms of sarcoma.
  • Swelling
    Swelling in the area of the bone sarcoma is typical when the bones are affected by malignant tumors. Sometimes, sarcoma doesn’t show any signs until it grows in size. When this happens, cancer could be at an advanced stage and could also have metastasized to other parts of the body.

Soft tissue sarcoma
Familiar types of soft tissue sarcoma include angiosarcoma or tumor of the lymph vessels, liposarcoma or cancer of the fat tissues, leiomyosarcoma or sarcoma of the smooth muscles (found mainly in the abdomen), rhabdomyosarcoma or skeletal muscles sarcoma, and fibrosarcomas or cancer in the cells of the connective tissues.
Soft tissue sarcoma might not exhibit any early signs, but the following symptoms manifest at a later stage:

  • Presence of a lump
    The most apparent symptom of soft tissue sarcoma is the presence of a painless lump or growth. It might be unnoticeable to the eye or might remain insignificant until it grows to exert pressure against the surrounding muscles and nerves.
  • Swelling and pain
    Noticeable swelling of the affected tissue is a typical sign of soft tissue sarcoma. It could be a lump at the spot or cavity in the body where the tumor is growing.
  • Obstruction in mobility
    A soft tissue sarcoma tumor in the legs or hips can hinder mobility. Similarly, a malignant growth in the hands can restrict the smooth movement of the shoulders or hands.
  • Bleeding
    Vaginal bleeding that is unrelated to menstruation could be a symptom of uterine sarcoma, and blood in the stools and vomit is a common indication of soft tissue sarcoma. Sarcoma in the abdomen or gastrointestinal tract can cause internal bleeding and blood discharge in vomit or stools. Abdominal pain and a blocked intestine could be other signs and symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma.