Natural Skincare From the Kitchen Pantry

Natural Skincare From the Kitchen Pantry

Skincare is a multi-billion industry. It could be an overwhelming experience to go to a supermarket and choose the right product. The formulations, the promises, and the cost could leave you bamboozled. Unless you choose the right product, which is certified, made with little chemicals, and has all information you require on the labels, it would be an exercise in futility.

On the other end of the spectrum is treating aging skin naturally without resorting to too many cosmetics or surgery. Millions are opposed to chemicals and formulations and manage it better with homemade or natural solutions.

1. Aloe Vera
It is full of Vitamin A and C, both crucial for skin health. It also has antioxidants and enzymes, which can hydrate the skin. Apply Aloe vera every day for three months, and you will begin to see skin that is supple and hydrated, hiding wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Egg whites
Egg whites absorb the excess sebum from the skin. Eggs also contain vitamins and proteins that prevent wrinkles. Apply whisked white eggs directly on your face and wash it with warm water after 10 minutes. Combine one egg white, half a teaspoon of milk cream, and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture for thirty minutes and wash. Repeat twice a week to keep skin hydrated and shiny.

3. Vitamin C
Load up on Vitamin C. Have fresh citrus and sugarless citrus fruit juices regularly. Include more strawberries and Brussels sprouts in your diet. They are full of antioxidants. Vitamin C helps dark spots in your skin to fade naturally. It also stimulates collagen production (collagen production reduces as one ages). For your skin use, collagen-rich creams can help the skin retain moisture and prevent wrinkles.

4. Banana
Vitamin A in bananas prevents damage to the skin by removing dark spots and wrinkles. Banana is a rich and inexpensive, and easily available source of minerals that nourish the skin. Apply one mashed banana combined with a teaspoon of yogurt, honey, and rosewater. Leave for about 20 minutes to the skin and wash it with water.

5. Oils
Oils can increase collagen levels in the skin as plant-based oils are rich in Vitamin A. Use oils like olive oil, sandalwood oil, coconut oils, almond, and rosewood oils. Massage a couple of drops of oil in your skin and forehead in a circular motion. Do it before you sleep and wash it off in the morning. They prevent wrinkles and keep your skin glowing.

6. Fruits
Fruits are probably the richest in Vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. These rejuvenate the skin, keep it hydrated and prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Mash fruits like pineapple, strawberry, avocado, papaya, and apply to your face and wash it after 20 to 30 minutes. You can do this twice a week.

7. Vegetables
You can also make a face pack of boiled carrots, potato juice, and almond paste for skin glowing and shiny, reducing the risk of wrinkles.

Since all these are natural, there is very little risk of side effects. Choose a combination of natural treatments that work for you. You can choose seasonal fruits and vegetables as needed. Keep yourself well, hydrated. Along with these natural methods, ensure you have a balanced diet. Too much processed food, unsaturated fat, and additives can lead to acne and other skin-related complications.