Early Warning Signs of MS 

Early Warning Signs of MS 

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the human body that is associated with the central nervous system. The central nervous system is the body’s system which consists of the brain as well as the spinal cord. It is an autoimmune disease with no known cause where the body attacks its own tissue. Specifically, myelin, the fatty substance coating nerve fibers, is destroyed by MS.

Knowing the following early warning signs and symptoms of MS is important:

1. Cognitive problems

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the brain and central nervous system so it follows naturally that cognitive problems may be a signal that a person needs to see a medical professional for testing and potential diagnosis. Warning signs include mental weakness or a lack of mental clarity when working, doing tasks for school, or interacting with family and friends.

2. Tingling and numbness

Another early warning sign of multiple sclerosis is tingling and numbness in the body. These feelings may be experienced in extremities like fingers and toes or in other areas of the body. Especially if persistent, this is a major warning sign to watch out for.

3. Pains and spasms

Pains and spasms are another sign that a person might need to be checked out to see if they potentially have multiple sclerosis. These pains and body spasms may or may not be severe or persistent, but are still an important symptom to recognize. Sudden, ongoing, severe, moderate, or any type of noticeable pains or spasms are important to recognize and report to a doctor.

4. Weakness or fatigue

Physical and mental weakness and fatigue are symptoms of many diseases, disorders, and imbalances and are also normal reactions to stress. There is a line however, where consistent weakness and fatigue needs to be mentioned to a medical practitioner. If a person is always tired or cannot keep up with day to day expectations as needed no matter how hard they try, this is a sign something may be wrong.

5. Balance problems

Balance problems are not always a side effect of multiple sclerosis. When these balance problems are accompanied by dizziness or any other symptoms on this list, or when the balance problems become severe or persistent, it is a sign that things might not be completely normal. Feelings of physical imbalance or instability are warning signs related to this topic.

6. Bladder issues

Bladder issues and incontinence are usually seen in older populations. If someone who is not elderly is experiencing these issues, then this is a sign that multiple sclerosis or another medical issue is present. Warning signs include using the restroom for urination too often.

7. Vision problems

One potential early warning sign of multiple sclerosis is vision problems. A vision test is an essential tool for identifying these types of problems that may be warning signs for MS or other diseases. Any optometrist can provide vision testing for a fee and will be useful in identifying any new, previously unnoticed, or worsening ocular issues.