Early Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer

Early Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer

There are several different types of kidney cancer, including renal cell carcinoma, sarcoma, wilms tumor, lymphoma, and more. Renal cell is one of the more severe types of kidney cancer, and stage 4 renal cell carcinoma treatment can include surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, medications like Opdivo, and radiation. These treatments can be mentally and physically debilitating, so it is important to catch the cancer early on before it progresses to harder to treat stages. Here are early symptoms of kidney cancer to watch for:

1. Blood in urine
While blood in urine can be caused by other issues, such as infection or kidney stones, it is the most common symptom of kidney cancer. The blood may not always be in your urine—it can come and go and at times may not even be able to be seen by the eye. Regardless of if the blood in your urine is caused by cancer, it is concerning and you should see your doctor right away.

2. Pain or pressure in the side or back
Pain in your side or back is often a sign of kidney cancer. Typically this pain resides between the hip and ribs, but it can be felt around the lower back as well. Pain or pressure can be caused by other issues, but you should talk to your doctor and be examined.

3. Mass or lump in the side or back
Along with pain or pressure, you may be able to feel a mass or lump in the side or back where you are experiencing the pain. Most tumors in the kidney are too small to be felt, but tumors can result in swelling which would explain an abnormal lump. See your doctor right away for an ultrasound.

3. Loss of appetite
If you have kidney cancer, you may notice that you don’t feel hungry as often or you feel full very quickly after eating. If your loss of appetite doesn’t subside or is paired with other symptoms, you should speak to your doctor.

4. Fatigue
Individuals with cancer, regardless of the type, all often report fatigue, so much so that it has gained its own name of ‘cancer fatigue.’ Unlike being tired, fatigue is extreme and doesn’t go away with a nap or a good night’s rest—in fact, it often worsens over time.

5. Unexplained weight loss
Unexplained weight loss is another common symptom of kidney cancer. If you are losing weight and have not changed your diet or exercise, this would be unexplained. In any case, you should see your doctor if you’re experiencing abnormal weight loss.