Brain-Healthy Foods to Prevent Nerve Degenerative Diseases 

Brain-Healthy Foods to Prevent Nerve Degenerative Diseases 

Keeping your brain sharp and healthy is essential for good health, improving memory and concentration, and helping ward off degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease. One of the key pieces in keeping your brain healthy is eating brain-healthy foods and incorporating them into your daily diet.

While several foods have been found to aid in brain health and prevent degenerative disease, this list contains six key foods with scientifically proven benefits:

1. Fatty fish

Your brain is made of approximately 60% fat, with half of that fat being omega-3 type. Omega-3 fat is needed for the brain to build nerve cells and stay healthy. A diet high in omega-3 may also slow age-related decline and, in turn, help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Fatty fish that are high in omega-3 include salmon, sardines, trout, and tuna.

2. Coffee

The caffeine and antioxidants found in your favorite morning beverage are beneficial for brain health, as well as improving concentration and alertness. Studies also have shown that drinking coffee in the long-term may also reduce the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists believe that the high concentration of antioxidants, combined with natural caffeine, is why this beverage has the potential to ward off degenerative diseases of the brain.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are a known superfood, containing several antioxidants that support overall health. Many of these antioxidants act against inflammation, a condition that has been found to increase the risk of developing degenerative brain diseases. Animal studies have also shown that eating this berry may help improve memory and possibly delay short-term memory loss.

4. Turmeric

This colorful spice has numerous benefits for brain health. Its potent anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants are beneficial to the brain to keep healthy function. Studies have also shown turmeric to have the potential to boost memory and help new brain cells grow. This brain regenerating ability may help delay mental decline associated with aging.

5. Broccoli

The reason why broccoli is a brain nourishing food is because of its high amount of vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for optimal brain health because it is needed to form sphingolipid. This is a type of fat that is packed densely into brain cells. Studies have also shown that high vitamin K intake may be linked to better memory retention.

6. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are brain superfoods because of their high concentration of zinc, magnesium, and copper. Zinc is essential for nerve signaling, and zinc deficiency has been linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Copper is needed to control nerve signaling. When copper levels are not optimal, you have a higher risk of developing degenerative diseases. Proper magnesium levels have been found to improve memory and learning.

Keeping your brain functioning properly through adequate nutrition is one of the best ways to ward off brain degenerative diseases. Incorporating these foods into your diet will help to keep your brain healthy and sharp.