Arthritis Foods to Eat and Avoid

Arthritis Foods to Eat and Avoid

“You are what you eat.” So say the wise. One’s diseases are also a manifestation of what one eats. Whether they are directly related to food, like obesity or goiter, or indirectly influenced by it, like arthritis, there is no denying the importance of a healthy, wholesome diet.

Arthritis is a disease of the joints, manifesting as pain, redness, and inflammation. It is commonly associated with old age, but that is only one kind of arthritis, osteoarthritis. There are other types, including an autoimmune type, rheumatoid arthritis, and a lifestyle-related condition called gout. Arthritis is generally associated with senior citizens, but juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a type of arthritis seen in children. It is, however, not as common, and cases are few and far between.

Here are some dietary tips to reduce the symptoms of arthritis:

Foods to avoid

  • Inflammatory foods 
    Inflammation is one of the primary causes of arthritic pain. Alcohol, sugar, processed meat, and seed oils are common inflammatory foods.
  • AGEs 
    Deep-fried fast foods have proteins that get glycated due to the presence of sugar/starch. Advanced glycated end-products (AGEs) have the property of glycating other molecules and give them pro-inflammatory properties.
  • Saturated fat
    Saturated fat, especially those found in processed cheese, triggers the immune system and causes unnecessary inflammation.
  • Refined carbohydrates
    These are high in AGEs and also directly cause inflammation in individuals who are sensitive to gluten.

Foods to eat

  • Garlic
    Apart from vampires, everyone can benefit from including garlic in their diet. Each clove of garlic is full of diallyl disulfide that limits the activity of inflammatory cytokines. It has a positive effect on cartilage, as well.
  • Broccoli
    As unappetizing as greens look, they are one of the healthiest foods out there. The phytochemicals they contain help suppress inflammation.
  • Almonds
    Almonds are a source of healthy fats. Keeping inflammatory pain away is only part of its benefits. Almonds are also suitable for maintaining a healthy weight. Doctors recommend these nuts to ease pain caused by almost all kinds of arthritis.
  • Olive oil
    Though the general advice is to avoid all kinds of oily food when one has arthritis, olive oil is an exception. Numerous studies have proven that olive oil reduces the number of inflammatory markers. In moderate amounts, it benefits individuals with arthritis.
  • Ginger
    Ginger is another potent, healthy spice like garlic. It works the same way as the anti-inflammatory drug COX-2 inhibitors. It also has pain-relieving properties. Apart from arthritic pain, one can treat exercise-related joint pain also with a regular cup of ginger tea.
  • Salmon
    Although seafood is typically not recommended for people with arthritis, cold-water fish like salmon have fatty acids that keep inflammation under control. However, this food can aggravate gout, so check with one’s physician first before adding it to their meal plan.

Overall, for most kinds of arthritic pain, a Mediterranean diet is advisable. It is rich in fruits like berries and oranges that are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory chemicals. Of course, avoid seafood and potatoes, but the Mediterranean diet principles, which include lots of olive oil, vegetables and fruits, and less gluten and red meat, are ideal for those with arthritis. A variety of nuts, fresh and dried herbs, and spices like garlic and ginger reduce inflammation. Those who have gout should stay away from legumes, though. And one should consume dairy and eggs in moderation.