7 Foods That Can Help Manage Sleep Apnea

7 Foods That Can Help Manage Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea disrupts one’s sleep and, in turn, their day-to-day life, both emotionally and mentally. While there is no proper research done to show the connection between food and sleep apnea, it is true that food has the ability to heal.

Here are some perfect dietary tips for sleep apnea.

1. Micro-nutrients 
A lot is spoken about macro-nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. However, micro-nutrients like minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals are also important. Some of the food-types include:

2. Melatonin-rich foods
This hormone tells the body when to sleep. Since this hormone drops as one gets old, there are several popular supplements available. Rice, barley, oats, walnuts, peanuts, mustard, flax, and sunflower seeds are great grain and nut/seed options. In vegetables, corn, olives, grapes, broccoli, cucumber, and tomatoes, and pomegranate and grapes in the fruits category.

3. Tryptophan-rich foods 
Protein has many amino acids, out of which tryptophan is one. In our body, this can be turned into serotonin, which is predominantly used for making melatonin. Research has shown tryptophan-rich foods help with sleep duration and improve the quality of sleep. Milk and yogurt are great options in the dairy variety, too. Similarly, apples, bananas, peaches and avocados are perfect fruit options. Seafood is yet another rich food that improves the quality of sleep. Onion, seaweed, asparagus, turnip greens are some options in the category of vegetables.

4. Magnesium-rich foods 
These types of foods support one’s biological functions, like the immune system, for example. This also acts as a relaxant and reduces or deactivates adrenaline. Leafy vegetables are considered the best source of magnesium. In addition, one can also have almonds, cashews, pecans, and whole grains.

5. Calcium-rich foods 
Research has shown that reduced calcium intake has a direct impact on sleep, and a good diet that has enough calcium is known to help patients with insomnia. Sardines, soybeans, okra, broccoli, dark green vegetables, apples, and peaches are good sources. Besides that, milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium. It is also important to note that the brain uses tryptophan to make melatonin.

6. Vitamin B-rich foods 
B-complex is largely responsible for making energy from the food consumed. It also directly affects and impacts one’s moods and sleep patterns. Studies have linked insomnia with lower consumption of B-6 and depression to deficiency of B-6. If you are a meat lover, opt for fish, pork, red meat, and chicken. If you are into plant-based foods, spinach, asparagus, onions, seaweed, broccoli, and leafy greens are also rich in B-6.

7. Anti-inflammatory foods
In addition to the category of foods mentioned above, some foods are known to reduce inflammation in one’s body. This has a lot of health benefits and is great at enhancing sleep. While no concrete research proves that anti-inflammatory foods reduce sleep apnea, many have reported honey, ginger, turmeric, garlic, and peppermint relieve the condition.