5 Useful Tips for Preventing Dandruff

5 Useful Tips for Preventing Dandruff

It is not without merit when everyone says, “Prevention is better than cure.” Once your hair is infested with dandruff, it is months of prolonged care and slow progress to get rid of it. Dandruff, coupled with impulsive itching and poor skin, is not a very pretty sight. Here are some tips for preventing dandruff and flakes that are simple and easy to follow.

1. Manage a healthy diet
Diet plays a crucial role in determining the health of your hair and scalp. Sebum is produced in the scalp’s sebaceous glands to lubricate the hair and skin. Overproduction of this element leads to flaky white substances called dandruff. Intake of zinc controls the secretion of sebum. Hence, it is essential to consume food items with zinc content. Here are a few foods that can prevent dandruff:

  • Meat (preferably red meat)
  • Shellfish (low-calorie source of zinc)
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans, etc.)
  • Seeds (sesame, pumpkin, etc.)
  • Nuts (peanuts, cashew, almonds, etc.)
  • Dairy (milk, cheese, etc.)
  • Dark chocolate

Vitamin B is also an essential component of an anti-dandruff diet. However, too much sugar can deplete vitamin B reserves in our body. So it is important to reduce sugar as much as possible and include whole wheat, which is rich in vitamin B. Also include onions, garlic, and scallions that contain allicin. Allicin has antifungal properties that combat dandruff.

2. Manage stress
Stress is not just a cause for severe health conditions. It can trigger many small issues that we generally ignore. Stress might trigger dandruff or worsen existing conditions. So catch up on six to eight hours of sleep, make time for leisure activities, and eat timely meals.

3. Spend time outdoors
Sun rays are beneficial in controlling dandruff by suppressing the fungus that causes dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Go for a walk to absorb some vitamin D. But do not forget to secure your skin with enough sunscreen before you step out.

4. Don’t overuse hair products
The continued use of hair gels, sprays, and colors can aid the formation of dandruff. These styling products keep your hair in place but build oil, dirt, and other substances close to your skin. Check their contents to make sure they are not irritants. If you feel that any product does not suit your hair or witness deterioration in your hair’s health, immediately stop its use. Residues of these products tend to be the root cause of dandruff.

5. Smarter shampooing
Follow the directions listed on the cover of the shampoo to wash your hair. Be gentle while washing your hair. Rub the shampoo onto the scalp and let it stay for five to seven minutes before washing it off. Sometimes the cause of dandruff is insufficient use of shampoo. Either you use a tiny blob of shampoo, or your shampoo may not be strong enough to break the oil deposits in your scalp. Hence, make it a point to use adequate amounts of an effective shampoo.

When you visit the salon or if you are with a group of your friends, remember not to use combs that could have been used by others. In a salon, insist on new or sterilized combs and brushes. Always have your comb or brush in your purse or handbag.