5 Overlooked Reasons to Stop Smoking for Good

5 Overlooked Reasons to Stop Smoking for Good

Smoking is a habit that has no benefits. You can use products to quit smoking, such as the Nicoderm patch. There are several reasons that you should quit smoking. For example, your heart and lung health will improve. You will also be able to save money. However, there are little-known reasons that you should stop smoking:

1. Lower the risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Smoking can raise your chances of developing RA. In fact, studies have shown that people who smoke are 1.3 times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking also triggers inflammation and can damage joints and reduce your range of motion.

2. Reduce autoimmune diseases chances
Your immune system is supposed to attack the pathogens that can make you sick. However, if you have an autoimmune disease, the system does not respond normally. Your body will attack itself instead of the foreign invaders. Lupus is an example of an autoimmune disease. There are several factors that can increase your risk of developing an autoimmune disease, many of which cannot be controlled. However, smoking is one of the factors that you can control. Smoking not only raises your risk of an autoimmune disease, but it will also be harder for you to keep your condition under control. Certain medications may become less effective.

3. Improve your fitness
If you are trying to get fit, then smoking can make it a lot harder. On the other hand, if you quit smoking, you will have an easier time getting in shape. It will be easier for you to breathe if you quit smoking. Your heart will become stronger. That is why you will be able to push yourself harder. You will also have stronger bones and stronger muscles. If your bones and muscles are stronger, then you can do more challenging workouts.

4. Get rid of snoring or sleep apnea
A good night’s rest can be hard to come by if you are a smoker. Nicotine has a tendency to disrupt your sleep. It can also increase your risk of snoring and developing sleep apnea. You will have an easier time sleeping after you quit smoking. This will help improve your mood and health.

5. Prevent cognitive decline
Smoking is not only bad for the body, but it is also bad for the brain. Smoking can contribute to cognitive decline and dementia. It can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. It can also increase the risk of stroke. Furthermore, there are toxins in cigarettes that can damage your brain. There have been studies done to link cigarette smoking to dementia. One study showed that smoking can increase the risk of getting dementia by 30 to 50%. Fortunately, if you stop smoking, you can lower your risk of dementia and protect your brain.

Regularly reminding yourself of reasons why you are trying to quit smoking can help the process itself. Make a list of all the reasons why you are considering to stop smoking and read through them everyday. Contact your physician for more medical help and support on this.