5 Early Warning Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

5 Early Warning Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Diagnosing pancreatic cancer is not easy. The pancreas is a pear-shaped gland situated deep inside the abdominal region. Hence a general physical examination might not help to detect this silent cancer. However, when there is any disorder or abnormality in the body, some symptoms are definitely displayed. Depending on where the tumor is growing and its size, symptoms may vary.

But here are five early warning signs of pancreatic cancer you should be familiar with. These start to appear when the tumor begins to interfere with the routine functions of the pancreas and other nearby organs like the stomach, gallbladder, liver, and duodenum.

1. Pain in the abdomen and back
First, there could be a pain – an intermittent one. It can be a general, dull pain in the abdominal region or the back, especially after you have a meal or when you lie down horizontally. A majority of individuals diagnosed with pancreatic cancer experience some level of discomfort and pain in the abdomen. The pancreas is located behind the stomach and in front of the spine, sandwiched between both. When cancer grows in the pancreas’ body or tail, pain is a sure symptom. It is inevitable.

2. Malfunction of the digestive system
The pancreas is a vital part of the digestive system. It performs two primary functions, exocrine and endocrine (tasks). The pancreas releases enzymes that help in the digestion of food. It also helps maintain an ideal blood sugar level in the body by producing certain essential hormones. When there is a cancerous growth in this gland, its functions are immediately affected. Because of the blockage in the duodenum, nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of pancreatic cancer. At times, a block in the bile ducts and the liver can cause infection, fever, and chills.

3. Loss of appetite and Weight loss
A defective digestive system leads to loss of appetite and unintended physical weight loss. When cancer cells grow, they fight for the nutrients absorbed from the food you eat. Hence weight loss can occur because of the malabsorption of fats from your diet. It is a direct consequence of the scarcity of enzymes usually produced by the pancreas. Weakness and fatigue are other supplementary effects of pancreatic cancer.

4. Jaundice
In a healthy body, the bile duct joins with the pancreatic duct and empties into the duodenum. When there is a tumor growing in the pancreas, the bile duct is blocked. The bile fluid, thus, flows back into the liver and gets into the bloodstream. This medical condition is called jaundice. It causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Apart from that, your urine becomes darker in color, and there is a discoloration of stools. Skin becomes dry and itchy, and red-colored rashes also form. Sometimes there can be pus in these rashes because of the excessive production of certain hormones caused by cancer.

5. Blood clots
When cancer in the pancreas grows, it can spread to the blood vessels and cause blood clots. Typically, clots form in one of the large veins in the legs. This medical condition is called Deep Vein Thrombosis. The blood clots formed here can travel to the lungs and lodge themselves in the arteries there, causing Pulmonary Embolism.

This is only a brief list of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. This article aims to educate and does not intend to be medical advice. Consult your physician for a detailed examination and tests to diagnose your physical ailment correctly. Only that can ensure you receive the right and timely treatment.