5 Eating Tips for Diabetes Patients

5 Eating Tips for Diabetes Patients

Diabetes is a disease that results in too much sugar accumulating in the blood. Insulin hormone converts blood sugar into energy and stores it in the cells for immediate or future use. When one has diabetes, their body cannot produce adequate insulin or cannot be used effectively. This triggers a metabolic disorder and causes blood sugar to rise.

The different types of diabetes can be hereditary or result from unhealthy eating habits or induced by a sedentary lifestyle. No two people with diabetes exhibit identical symptoms, so there is no specific diet that can cure this chronic disease. However, a few dietary tips for diabetes patients can help maintain a balanced blood glucose level and prevent or control complications arising from diabetes.

Some of these tips are mentioned below:

1. Eat healthily and on time 
Eat healthy foods at the right time and in the right portions too. It is crucial not to overeat or starve oneself. Also, one must have meals at the right time daily. Eating three small meals and three mid-meal snacks can help. Snacks between meals help prevent hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. It is vital to maintain a food diary so that one can plan their meals better. It makes them aware of how much food they eat, when they eat it, and what they eat.

2. Choose healthy carbohydrates
One must choose complex carbohydrates over simple, refined carbs. Complex carbohydrates are usually rich in fiber and release energy slowly, thus avoiding a sudden spike in blood glucose levels. Examples of complex carbohydrates include whole-wheat and its products like bread, pasta, noodles, whole fruits with skin and pulp, brown rice, steel-cut oats, and raw and cooked vegetables including green peas, sweet potato, and leafy greens.

3. Choose healthy fats
Healthy fats are an essential structural component of all cells in the body and have enormous health benefits. They are a storehouse of concentrated energy, keep the skin healthy, provide insulation from the cold, enable the development and efficient functioning of the brain, and help with the transportation and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Choose healthy fats from various cooking oils, including soy, canola, olive, and sesame, and include avocados, oily fish, unsalted seeds, and nuts in the diet.

4. Choose the right proteins
For non-vegetarians, lean meat, eggs, chicken, and fish provide the required proteins. For vegetarians, however, the right proteins can be sourced from soy, tofu, milk, and its products like yogurt, cheese, paneer, vegetables like broccoli, and various pulses legumes. Red and processed meat are sources of protein too. But they contain saturated fats that are unhealthy for one. They contribute to undesirable weight gain and increase the risk of heart ailments. Not just for diabetes patients, but for everyone, it is best to avoid foods such as mayonnaise and bakery products like pies, pastries, and cookies that contain margarine, butter, and lard. While these enhance the taste of such foods, they are harmful to the body.

5. Drink less alcohol
Drink in moderation or avoid alcohol altogether. It is best for good health. Hard liquor, beer, and wine can either increase or reduce blood sugar levels. Excessive alcohol consumption results in inefficient liver functioning, interacts adversely with diabetes medications and increases the risk of medical emergencies in some diabetic people.

It is best to seek a doctor’s guidance or get a prescribed diet from a nutritionist if one has diabetes.