5 Diabetes-Friendly Late Night Snack Options

 5 Diabetes-Friendly Late Night Snack Options

Type 2 diabetes affects more than 400 million people in the world. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body resists insulin or doesn’t produce enough insulin, a hormone that allows the breakdown of sugar, which can lead to someone having too much sugar in the bloodstream. Those with diabetes should limit their sugar intake by choosing low sugar snacks when they feel hungry. Here are five diabetes-friendly late night snack options:

1. Veggies and hummus

A healthy part of a diet for someone with type 2 diabetes is including a wide range of vegetables. Veggies can be hard to incorporate into a diet if they are plain, but adding hummus makes them much easier to eat consistently. Eating vegetables with hummus is a delicious but healthy late night snack that can help stabilize sugar levels. Both fiber and protein play a role in helping to stabilize blood glucose levels in the body. Broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower are all good high fiber veggie options. Chickpeas which are a top ingredient in hummus also have high amounts of both protein and fiber.

2. A hard boiled egg

Looking for another good snack for a diabetes-friendly diet? Try having a hard boiled egg! Having an egg as a snack is a great way to add more protein into the diet, which is beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes. Eggs only have half a gram of carbohydrates, so they aren’t a food that will spike blood sugar levels. Since eggs do have cholesterol that can be harmful in large amounts, it is a good idea to limit egg consumption to under two per day.

3. Mixed nuts

Eating mixed nuts consistently throughout the week is one of the most beneficial things that someone with type 2 diabetes can have, and is a great option to choose if a late night snack is needed. Eating nuts five days per week is said to be as important as checking blood sugar levels and getting regular exercise, according to the American Heart Association’s Circulation Research journal. It is said that nuts help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and a lower risk of coronary heart disease. Some good nuts to include in a diabetes-friendly diet are almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, and macadamia nuts.

4. Spinach salad

When someone with type 2 diabetes is looking for a late night snack, a spinach salad is another great way to go. Spinach is packed with healthy vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Spinach is high in fiber, very low in sugar, and is also low in calories. Someone with type 2 diabetes can safely consume relatively large amounts of spinach multiple times a week as it is so beneficial for health and has little to no bad effects on the body. A great way to eat a healthy salad is to top it with other nutrient rich foods such as nuts and seeds, an egg, and a low sugar dressing.

5. Guacamole

Avocados are also a good snack for someone who is looking to manage their type 2 diabetes. Although avocados have fat in them, it is the healthy type of fat that is beneficial to those with diabetes. Avocados have been found to help increase insulin sensitivity, lower cholesterol, and support the heart in its functions. Mashing up some avocados, lime juice, and other fresh ingredients is a delicious and healthy snack that is great for any time!