4 Home Remedies to Combat Eczema Symptoms

4 Home Remedies to Combat Eczema Symptoms

There are a plethora of products available in the market for dealing with eczema flare-ups. You can use creams and natural products along with dietary or lifestyle changes to manage eczema efficiently. Natural remedies are known to help manage the symptoms better, but it cannot cure eczema completely. Below is a list of natural eczema remedies from your kitchen that can come in handy when you have a flare-up.

1. Aloe vera 
The gel derived directly from the plant can be used on the skin for soothing eczema. There have been scientific reports which have shown how it bears a positive impact on human health. Some of the best-known properties of the gel are that it is antimicrobial, wound healing, antibacterial, and immune system boosting. When a person has eczema, dry and cracked skin can end up causing skin infections if not treated properly. The use of an aloe vera gel can prevent not only skin infections but also promote healing for the skin.

2. Apple cider vinegar 
This is one of the most famous ingredients that come in handy for a variety of conditions to manage at home. While there is no solid science to back up the impact of apple cider vinegar on eczema symptoms, there have been reports of how it has helped. However, one should use apple cider vinegar with caution because the acids can cause tissue damage if used in high proportions. Those diagnosed with eczema can have lesser acidity on the skin and result in other forms of skin complications. The use of apple cider balances this very problem. In addition, it also has properties that are antibacterial in nature. The best and optimum way to use apple cider vinegar is to dilute it before applying it to the skin or introduce it through the use of wet wraps or baths.

3. Coconut oil
This is one of the perfect and best moisturizers for the skin as it contains a lot of healthy fatty acids that help retain moisture. It is highly beneficial for those with eczema and dry skin since the natural properties of coconut oil help reduce inflammation. They also nourish the skin and promote its natural barrier. There have been reports showing that the use of virgin coconut oil is beneficial in controlling dryness from eczema as compared to any other mineral oil.

4. Honey
Through the ages, honey has taken a significant place in the world of medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They not only help in boosting the overall immune system of the body; they can also be efficient in healing wounds. It is a great ingredient for your skin as it helps treat any form of burns and wounds, including eczema and its symptoms. The best thing is that you can just apply honey on the eczema affected area and notice visible changes just within a short period of use.

There are other natural home remedies that you can try if you’re looking for effective ways to manage your eczema at home. However, remember that this only helps to manage, but do not substitute the use of other medication that may have been prescribed by your doctors.